Lisa Buyer's Myths, Musts, and Mantras
Hustle and Flowchart, Public Relations, Social PR Secrets

121: Modern PR Myths, Musts, and Mantras

One of the first questions out of clients’ mouths, when they start working with a PR agency, is “when can we expect to see results with digital public relations?” The answer is: longer than with digital advertising. Online ads bring immediate but volatile results. On the other hand, digital PR slowly builds your brand and turns one-time customers into lifelong fans. If you want to learn more, you’re in luck.


In this episode of the Social PR Secrets Podcast, host and digital PR expert Lisa Buyer walks through some of the highlights of her latest Search Engine Journal article talking about her favorite and least favorite myths, musts, and mantras when it comes to digital public relations.

Digital PR vs Digital Advertising

While almost all companies are willing to splurge on advertising, few understand that digital PR is another central element of a successful business. However, for digital PR to work, brands need more than money. They need to understand the process takes time, they should communicate and cooperate with their agency, and keep their expectations realistic.

Once you’ve understood that, digital PR will surprise you in more ways than one. Unlike advertising, PR positively affects every part of the funnel. And unlike advertising, PR offers sustained rewards overtime. In short, PR gives brands what they can’t buy in ads. This includes:

✅ Thought leadership

✅ Credibility

✅ Third-party endorsements

✅ Community

✅ Relationships

✅ Impact

✅ Low budget/no budget is needed. 

Top 3 PR Myths, Busted

Myth #1. PR is only measured in numbers

“At the end of the day, it’s about forging lasting connections. Not just with news media, but with consumers, employees, and the community,” said PR Consultant Tanya Pinsoneault.

Myth #2. Only big companies do social listening 

Robyn Linders, social analytics expert and founder of Grill Girl said, “all companies, big and small, B2C and B2B need to understand the environment they are competing in. Social analytics is the best way to understand this quickly and honestly from regular people’s mouths.”

Myth #3. The best PR pros live in LA and New York

Brands should keep in mind they’re looking for talent, not location. The best professionals can now be found all over the country – and the world!

Want to know what other myths are the most common? Listen to the episode to find out!

3 Musts to a Successful Digital PR Strategy

This episode also includes lots of tips for brands to ensure their digital PR work yields the best results. Here are three of them:

🌟 Respond to press inquiries right away. No, like right away.

The longer the wait, the more likely it is that a journalist has found another source. If your PR firm contacts you asking to agree to an interview or for a quote stop whatever you’re doing and get back to them. 

🌟 Stick. With. It.

This cannot be overstated: digital PR takes time. You’re trying to build organic relationships with your customers and fans so “trying it out” doesn’t make sense.

🌟  Perfect Your Pitch

Pitching the media is key to successful PR. Here are some tips mentioned by Lisa in this episode. Research the journalist, learn what they like to talk about but don’t pitch them something they’ve already covered. Keep your pitch email short and sweet, journalists don’t have time to read an essay. 

Some topics discussed in this episode include:

  • Digital PR
  • Pitching journalists 
  • SEO
  • PR strategy
  • Intelligence tools


“Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad.” – Richard Branson, British business magnate and founder of the Virgin Group
“If I only had two dollars left I would spend one dollar on PR.” — Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

For an added bonus check out this post from Sandro Meyer

References and Links Mentioned

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